
Do I have to replace my existing system?
Absolutely not. Paybaks doesn't replace any systems, but rather stands alongside whatever you're using today. We know how difficult it is to implem...
Thu, 1 Nov, 2018 at 12:12 PM
What’s the process of linking Paybaks to my financial institution?
Once you get your login to the Paybaks system, you'll need to provide your bank account routing number and account number, and the system will create an...
Wed, 27 Feb, 2019 at 8:05 PM
Will this integrate with my accounting system?
At the moment, there is no integration. To use Paybaks, log into our web portal and enter what you want to do manually. We are currently working to integrat...
Thu, 1 Nov, 2018 at 12:12 PM
Does this replace my company credit cards?
No, Paybaks is different from corporate credit cards, and you can continue using your corporate card as you usually do. Paybaks is used for paying invoices...
Thu, 1 Nov, 2018 at 12:13 PM
Do I have to get rid of my pcard?
No, Paybaks is different from a pcard (such as Amex Corporate Cards), and you can continue using your pcard as you usually do. Paybaks pays for invoices th...
Thu, 1 Nov, 2018 at 12:13 PM
How does this integrate into my current system?
At the moment, there is no integration. To use Paybaks, you log into our web portal and enter what you want to do manually. We are currently working to int...
Thu, 1 Nov, 2018 at 12:13 PM